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those habits are directly flushed by the body as a whole. Showering habits like this will harm the body's health, especially related to colds and influenza. With a shower like this way will cause the body heat trapped in the body that will cause the heat balance in the body and the cold became disrupted. Here I point out the correct way bathroom that can help improve your health, especially the often attacked by common colds and influenza.
How to start a proper bath, in the following order:

1. Water from toes (right and left) upward to the knee;
2. Flush the start of the knee (right and left) to the top to the abdomen;
3. Water slowly from the stomach upwards to the shoulders;
4. Water began to finger tips of your fingers (right and left) to the shoulders;
5. Flush starting from the neck upwards to the head.
6. Brushing

The sequence of activities as mentioned above in sequence from 1 to 6 and each performed a total of at least 3 (three) times except for brushing teeth. Starting from the bottom of the bath first intended to heat the body up to the upper body and eventually will be thrown out through the holes (cavities) upper body like the mouth, nose and ears.

At the time of watering the abdomen and the chest (the order of 3 & 4) we will usually feel a chill, this is caused by the movement of heat from the lower body to upper body. At the time of flush head, shower people will feel a little dizzy. This dizziness is caused by the body heat out through the upper cavity of the mouth, nose and ears. Then we brush her teeth.

If this shower activity performed continuously (consistent), then approximately within 2 (two) to 3 (three) months you will feel the benefit, the body will feel fresh and light in motion and will avoid influenza illness and common colds.

Good luck.
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Silabus Biologi Sel- Jadwal Perkuliahan

Minggu Topik Sub Topik

1 Pendahuluan Sel dan peranan biologi sel dalam kultur jaringan

2 Sel sebagai unit dasar Perbedaan sel eukariot dan prokariot

3 Struktur dan fungsi - Transport molekul melalui membran
membran sel - Transport makromolekul

4 Sistem endomembran I Struktur dan fungsi Retikulum endoplasma

5 Sistem endomembran II Struktur dan Fungsi Aparatus Golgi

6 Sistem endomembran III Struktur dan Fungsi Vakuola, Peroksisom dan Mikrobodi

77 UTSUTS Materi Kuliah minggu ke Materi Kuliah minggu ke -- 1 s/d 61 s/d 6

8 Inti Struktur dan fungsi inti, membran inti, organisasi kromatin, nukleolus

9 Mitokondria Struktur dan fungsi mitokondria, respirasi seluler

10 Kloroplas Struktur dan fungsi kloroplas, fotosintesis

11 Sitoskeleton Mikrotubul, mikrofilamen, pergerakan sitoplasma, pembentukan
dinding sel

12 Siklus sel /replikasi sel Mitosis, meiosis, sitokinesis

13 Komunikasi sel dan - Komunikasi sel
penyampaian sinyal dalam - Penerimaan dan penerusan sinyal dalam sel
sel - ‘plant hormone signalling’
- Cekaman lingkungan pada tumbuhan

14 UAS Materi Kuliah minggu ke- 8 s/d 13
Komunikasi pada organisme uniseluler dan
Menyadari kondisi lingkungan
Memberi respon terhadap lingkungan
Misalnya : sel tum buhan respon terhadap cahaya,
nutrisi, patogen dll

Komunikasi pada organisme multiseluler :
Antar organisme
Antar sel di dalam organisme tersebut
Komunikasi antar sel alat komunikasi :
Bagaimana sel menginterpretasikan sinyal yang
Download Artikel Komunikasi Sel
Sejarah perkembangan

Robert Hooke : sel mati : sel dari
Anton van Leeuwenhoek : sel hidup
Matthias Schleiden : sel pada
Karakteristik sel

Terdapat suatu aktivitas mekanis dalam sel yang dinamis
Misalnya perubahan bentuk sel akibat aksi dari protein-protein
dalam sitoplasma

Sel dapat memberi respons terhadap suatu stimulus
Reseptor hormon, reseptor faktor tumbuh, reseptor matriks
ekstraselular, atau reseptor lainnya (G)
Respons : misalnya metabolisme sel, proliferasi selRespons : misalnya metabolisme sel, proliferasi sel atau gerakan atau gerakan

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Failed Only brave people who dare to fail completely, will achieve total success. ERNYATAAN John. F. I believe Kennedy was the truth. It's not just rhetoric, but it has proven in my life journey. Total failure that was the beginning of my business career. At the end of 1981, I was not satisfied with the pattern of boring lectures. I am desperate to leave campus life. At that time I thought, that failed to gain a university degree does not mean failure in the pursuit of other ideals. In 1982, I then began to pioneer the business Primagama test counseling, which later turned into Primagama Tutoring Institute. I run a business with ups and downs. From the beginning a very quiet

enthusiasts - only 2 people - until finally bursting through Primagama demand can open branches in hundreds of cities, and became the largest tutoring agencies in Indonesia.
In social life, is that failure is a word that is not egitu nice to hear. Failure is not something desirable, and an event that every person does not want it. We can not deny ourselves, obviously still prefer to see a successful person from the view of people who fail, do not even like people who fail. So, if you're an entrepreneur who failed in business, so do not expect people will praise you. Do not expect all the people around
you and your relationship will understand why you fail. Do not expect you not to blame. Do not expect too all the friends are still around you. Do not expect you will get moral support from other friends. Do not expect too there are people who will lend money for temporary assistance. Do not expect banks will lend to the next. Why do I paint a picture that was so bad for the entrepreneur who failed? That's our society, tend to praise the successful and winning. Conversely, the losing blasphemy and failed. We should change the culture as
it, and provides the opportunity for every person on the second opportunity.
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